Equine Osteology & Anatomy Learning Center
The Deep Fascial Lines (called the Deep Ventral Lines by Schultz & Elbrønd) connect the exterior and interior.
The Deep Fascial Lines follow 3 different paths that begin at the Deep Flexor Tendon, run into the Gracilis and Sartorius mm. (inner thigh), then to the Pubis bone. (These structures are colored golden-brown in the illustrations below).
**From the Pubis bone the Deep Lines separate into 3 distinct pathways:
From the Pubis bone, the Ventral Path follows the peritoneum along the abdominal wall to the ventral part of the Diaphragm.
From there to the pleura of the Sternum and continues through the Sternohyoid m. to the Hyoid bones.
The Ventral Path ends on the Mandible.
From the Pubis bone, the Middle path follows the fascia of the Sartorius m., meets the Iliopsoas m. (group), continues in the crus of the Diaphragm and the Diaphragm.
From here it passes through the mediastinum & pericardium (heart), out the Thoracic inlet and POSSIBLY follows the Scalenes, along the Trachea and Esophagus to the Pharynx & Larynx (and thus the Hyoid apparatus?).
The Middle path ends at the Base of the Occiput.
From the Pubis bone the Dorsal path follows the Ventral Spinal Longitudinal ligament on the ventral surface of the vertebrae to the Longus colli m.
The Dorsal path ends at the base of the occiput.
PHOTO CREDITS: The majority of images used on this website are property of Equus-Soma (Pamela Blades Eckelbarger). Images of me taken at Presentations are provided courtesy of Helen Peppe and other attending participants (thank you!!). Images on the About page of myself competing with Irish are courtesy of Flatlandsfoto. Images of skeletons in the banners are from Muybridge 1881.
1165 Shaws Fork Rd.
Aiken, SC 29805
Equine Osteology & Anatomy Learning Center
Pamela Blades Eckelbarger M.S. Zoology
(207) 542-6132
190 Horscents Ln.
Waldoboro, ME 04572